Once upon a time, about a month or so ago, Ben and I decided we needed to go to Walmart and buy one of everything. So, to scratch this itch we did so random shopping and Christmas shopping. As we were walking thru the store we walked past the GIANT display of "Aquadots". So, Kobe, being his charming little self, decided that is what he needed as a prize for waking up that morning. AND me, being the wonderful Aunt I am, decided that was also what Brook would like for Christmas (mind you, this was before the giant recall). So, we bought that and one of everything else Walmart had to offer and went home. Kobe got his toy out, used up every little dot there was and was done with it. After watching him I decided Brook was a little young for this toy and then planned on returning it. Well, before the recall I returned Brook's (rejected Christmas gift #2) and Kobe's sat here doing nothing. THEN Ben and I heard about the giant recall. We really didn't do anything, just moved it from Kobe's room into my office so he wouldn't eat all the little dots while we weren't looking and have a sesure.
So, about a week later I was working on a video and Kobe wandered into my office, saw the Aquadots and started playing with them. I mentioned to Kobe that I was going to take them back because if you put them in your mouth or swallowed them you could die. Then I walked out of the room. At that moment I had a bad feeling, I walked back in the room and everything seemed fine. Then Kobe walks up to me and says "feel my heart, it's racing" and has a funny look on his face. I took one look at the worried look on his face and said "What did you do?!? Did you swallow one of those?" He looks at me, and says " I just put it in my mouth, then I spit it out and put it in the machine"
Oh my goodness, now I am feaking out inside because I hadn't really payed attention to what exactly the recall was all about. So, as I am questioning Kobe over and over again trying to make sure he isn't lying I look up the recall online. Online it said that 2 children had had sesures and then gone into comas after eating several dozen of the aquadots And that you had to ingest quite a few of them to have any problem. So, I calmed down, but WHAT IN THE WORLD?!? I JUST got done telling him that could KILL him and he had to try it out to see what would happen?
Just so you all know he did get in big trouble for that.

Now, onto my lovely morning at Kohls. This morning I stopped by Kohls to pick up some dress pants for Kobe, they were having a big sale and he needed some for "Brunch with Santa". So, I picked up a few things and went to the register. I had one in store credit thing I wanted to use and one $25 gift certificate I wanted to use. (Ben got a $50 Kohls gift card from work and I had just the week before had it split into 2 at the service desk). So, the cashier swipes my gift card "oh, there's no money on here" Ok, that's not good, "try this one" (I had both of them in my purse still). "There isn't anything on this one either" I start freaking out inside but try to maintain my "Christmas spirit". She rushes me over to the service desk and I explain what is going on and I have no receipt to back my self up and they have that look on their face. You know the one, the "You have no receipt, how are we supposed to help you" look. I am super annoyed by all this, but I don't say anything because why would they want to help me if I am a jerk. So one of the ladies takes them in the back and is trying to find the transaction where they took my $50 gift card, you know-the one with MONEY on it-and then handed my to empty gift cards. She takes a little while in the office, I am getting more and more nervous and then comes back out. "I couldn't find the transaction..." -my heart sinks- "...but I called the toll free number on the cards and there is Money on them, the cashier must have hit a wrong button when she tried to scan them."
So, I thanked the lady at the desk for taking the time to try to find the transaction and for her help. I go back to the register, pay for my stuff and leave. Christmas shopping is such a joy :P