So far this month as also been very odd, just weird things happening here and there. From the extention cord that was attached to our outdoor Christmas lights freezing to one of Ben's tired and the cord ripping in half and tearing down half our Christmas light (that was an interesting morning :) ) to just random other odd things coming into our lives I just have so say that God has been taking very good care of us. Seeing HIS protection over us is amazing!
So, anyway, onto my post. Everytime I make these cookies it takes me back to our first little apartment in Wixom when we had no money and I was pregnant. I love these cookies mostly because of sentimental reasons. The recipe is on the back of the butterscotch Nestle morsels package.
So, away we go!
Goal: To make cookies!
And play with Bionicals while we do it!!!
Pre-heat your oven to 375.
Take 1 1/4 C. of all purpose flour...
and add 1 ts. baking soda...
...1/2 ts. of cinnamon...
...and 1/2 ts. of salt...
And mix it all together.
Then, in a seperate bowl mix together 3/4 C. granulated sugar...
...3/4 C. of packed brown sugar...
...2 large eggs...
...then have your 5 year old mix for a while...
...add in 1 ts. of vanilla...
Next add 2 sticks of butter...
Then have your 5 year old mix some more...
And then mix it yourself until it looks about like this...
Then slowly incorperate your dry ingredients into you wet ones.
Next add 3 C. of Oats about 1/2 a cup at a time. Mix Mix Mix
Dump in all the morsels and mix into your batter
Here they are, mixed and ready to bake
Spoon out little piles of the cookie dough onto UNGREASED cookie sheets
Kobe helped me put the cookies on the baking sheets.
I love how these little piles melt...
into these :)
Here they are, FINISHED!
I love the way the giant pile of cookies look!
I thought we were getting an announcement, in a different kind of way :) The cookies are on of my favorite too! What a morning you must of had when your lights were going down the road with Ben...well I guess I could just imagine that. I am so glad that you see GOD in everything in your life, it is amazing to think how he protects.
Love you lots,
i was hoping this was kind of an announcement also but God will give you a baby when he feels it's right and anyways you have a great kid already that is so much fun. He has set the bar high for the next one.
You got me for a second too:)! I quickly raced through reading your post to see what your title was all about:) LOL!
Those cookies look really good to me right now:). Sweets really help me feel better that is for sure. I have only gained two pounds so far too which is a miracle for all I am already eating. In the sickness stage, all I eat is whatever sounds good and stays down. If that means chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, so be it:). I remember when I was pregnant with Kendra and you saw me eating mac and cheese out of a box. Your face will never be forgotten. So funny:).
I found your Christmas present last night. It is perfect, I think! As I was buying it, I think the cashier wanted it (so funny). Love you! Have a great day!
sorry you guys :( no announcements.
I wish there was, but I guess we would have to stop useing birth control to hope for that and we haven't.
Hopefully I will get over all my fears so God can bless us with another one!
If you haven't heard it before, I was a sugar monster when I was pregnant too. Those Cookies always gave me a soar throat though...I think it was because I would eat 4 at a time though...
And yes, seeing you eat anything out of a box that is a processed as mac and cheese would probably still crack me up!
Love you ladies!
I love your cooking posts! They always make me hungry though.... My week has been pretty good. I have been sick so I've been a bit out of it. Other than that good! How about yours?
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