
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them."


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Finally has to happen

I need to be able to blog somewhat anonymously. I think that will be best for my family right now so I will be shutting down this blog as soon as I feel like I have informed everyone that needs to be informed. Sooooo...if you would like to know what my new blog address is (faithful readers!) Please leave your email address in my comments or email it to me.

Luckily, I am not doing this because I have had a problem, but sometimes you have to do things before you do.

I wasn't planning this at all - this is my last post on this blog.


Unknown said...

I'd like to still follow you, since you are going down the same road that we are embarking on.


Praying everything is ok!

the johnson crew said...


Ashley said...


cindy said...


Carol said...

I want to continue to follow you.


Learning to Parent said...


I'm a new reader and also a foster parent and hope you will continue to let me follow your blog!

StarfishMom said...

I'll send you my email address in an actual email :) XOXOXO

I think you already have it though :)

Carrie said...

I'm a foster parent, too and would like to continue following.


Praying for your family.

Lynn said...

I'd like to keep following your story.

edlerlynn at gmail dot com


aka. Mimi said...

You know I do! :)


Kristy - Posh Pixels Design Studio said...

How about your loyal stalkers? :)


Created For His Glory said...

Me! :)

Glenda said...


Rebecca said...

I definitely want to keep up! I think you have my email, but I'll send it to you just to make sure :)

Alice said...


I'm a new follower and we are looking into fostering. I would love to continue following and learning about fostering.



Always Faith said...

can I keep following? I don't always comment, but I always read...=) I think you have my email because I'm on your other private photo blog list. =)

shelley said...


Here's mine mjprieur@netzero.net

Shelley Prieur

FootPrints said...

ooohh i'd love to keep following your family!


Vicki Aeschliman said...


Lindsay said...

Me too!

gram said...


Melissa said...


Kelli said...


praying for you friend as the day grows closer.

spng7 said...

Need ... I mean really need to keep up, since my heart is with you all the time. siretap@aol.com

Scott and Becky said...

Me too please. Don't comment much, but love reading.


Kylee said...

thanks for e-mailing me and informing me of the new blog...i somehow missed this post until today!

Mrs. Bird said...

Howdy! I know how you feel :) My email is birdnestphotos at gmail dot com. I'll send you an invite to my private adoption blog too, if you'd like...