Goal: To use blueberries to make spiderweb patterns on boiled eggs
(this is from the martha stewart website you forwarded me ALyssa, thanks!)
So, here is what I did. I filled the bottom of a pan with one layer of eggs. Then dumped blue berries over the top, about 2 C. of BB and 18 eggs. I let them come to a boil (starting with cold water) and then removed them from the heat, covered them and let them sit in the water for 10 minutes.
Remove each egg from the boiling water with a slotted spoon. Try to avoid the blue berries.
Give both sides of each egg a wack with a spoon or something and place them in a container together.
Pour blue berry water over eggs. (try to keep the blue berries out!)
Refridgerate until cool.
Remove from refridgerator and dump out blue berry water and rinse eggs.
Smash them up a bit...
Then peel-and peel-and peel some more-then yell at the dog to leave you alone-then peel some more...
See how good they turned out!
And there you have it! A spiderweb egg. And, yes, I tried one. They do not taste like blueberries at all (I was worried they would too)
WOW!!!! Sounds like a lot of work but it looks like they turned out real cute. Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night. Love ya, Gram
That is really cool I would have thought that they would taste like blueberries.....yuck. BUt I am glad that they don't how COOOL!
love you, Mom
Oh, good! I am so glad you could try one of those fun things I sent you. I love stuff like that. Wish I was there to help you. They turned out great!
Dad said that they look great! He is impressed.
Love you,
Leah, you amaze me. I can't wait to see everything. Thanks for going to the trouble for all of us.
By the way, Manda said chocolate for Caleb's cake.
That is a little...yuck, but still cool!! =)
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