Well, this morning Ben went over and met Mark & Cindy at their house at 5 am. I believe Shelly did too. I received a text for Ben at 8 am saying they took his Dad in about 15 minutes ago.
Last night Ben was on the phone with Mark, probably around 9:30 pm. Mark mentioned that there were basically three outcomes that could potentially happen today. I think we all know what those are. But Ben told his Dad that there was only one outcome that he (Ben) was expecting, planning on, and hoping for.
I have always been a pessimist. There have been plenty of times that Ben has had to have enough faith and optimism for both of us. But, last night I realized that, as far as I know, in the Bible it never says, hope for the best but plan for the worst, which is what I tend to do.
It says "Delight yourself in the Lord and HE shall give you the desires of your heart", "I have made plans to bless you, not hurt you", "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
That is what it says, so that is what TRUTH is. It is sad I spend so much of my time not thinking like that.
Regardless, I am very excited to hear later today that the surgery was success, whatever that means.
***Right after I hit "publish post" on here my phone rang and it was Ben. He said the nurse came out and was very excited because they found the spot that was causing trouble and they seem to be able to fix it.
Wow, praise God.