My Grandma bought the girls a shade tent that they love to fight over play with.
One day they were driving me nuts with it so I told S I would make her her own tent. As you can see I still have the extra crib set up-Lizzy is in S's crib in the other room and S sleeps in K's old bed so the extra one S likes to throw her stuff in.
Anyway, she LOVED the tent and called it her "castle."
A castle for the princess.... :)
she thinks so :)
when i was little that was my FAVE! making forts. i have yet to do it with my own kids...i think because i dont want them to move my furniture - ha ha
I remember making a tent for my kids in the livingroom by just throwing a sheet over a card table. It doesn't take much to keep them busy. And if you have a clothesline outside .. 2 sheets pinned to it by the sides and pull them out and anchor with rocks. Great for little boys.
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