Wednesday Kobe has Griffin and Griffin's older brother Davis over to play in between school and church. The boys had a great time. Right after school we went to Halo Burger where they played for an hour, and then it was back to our house for bionicals and video games.
Now, I have to tattle on myself and Kobe. Tuesday night we were scheduled to have Hanson's Windows come out and give us an estimate. We ended up re-scheduling but I had already cleaned most of the house anyway. Kobe says to me, "Mom can you clean my room before Griffin and his brother come over?" - ok, I have to stop right there. There are a few too many things wrong with that question. So, anyway, I come back with "What are you going to do for me if I clean your room?" Kobe thinks about it, thinks about it, and comes up with this:
"Me and Dad will go to the store and buy you some earrings"
He's learning well isn't he.