
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them."


Friday, July 11, 2008

Helping them understand

Before Ben and I signed up for any classes or told anyone we wanted to become foster parents I talked to Kobe about it.  I explained how we were going to try to get things going with all of this and that we might "have kids staying at our house.  Some we will just be baby sitting and others might be able to be your brother or sister some day."  Trying to explain this all hasn't been the easiest thing.  Our goal is to ADOPT thru Foster Care, but we still have to deal with the fact that is probably isn't going to be easy.  So, we are trying to prepare Kobe for that but he is only six, how do you prepare them?

Well, anyway, Kobe went with me this week to sign up for classes at the Alternatives for Parents and Children (the place we have opted to go thru instead of the state to bring you all up to date).  We went with a friend of mine who has been going thru the same process we will be.
She is the one who introduce me to Alternatives and went with me my first time there.
After I had signed up for classes (every wednesday in August) we were walking out of the building as Kobe started saying in a sing song-y voice "we're going to be foster parents, we're going to be foster parents" it was so cute and made my heart smile.

Over the next few months we will be doing our best to prepare him for all of this, I guess we will just have to ask God to prepare his heart in ways we can't.  


Vicki Aeschliman said...

how cool Leah! It will hard but oh so worth it.

Wentzel Weekly said...

That is great, Leah! Kobe will LOVE having a new friend, and Lord willing a sibling. We are continuing to pray for you guys.

Love you:)

oh, by the way, my blog is full again. Gotta start a new one. LOL

gram said...

Kobe has such a warm heart I do not think he will have a problem. Kobe will probably like (for most of the time) being a big brother.

Alyssa said...

Hey, again:)! Why did you have to block your blog, or did you just decide to? It is a good idea, but I wondered if something happened like me.

Love you guys! HOpe you are having a nice weekend.