
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them."


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do you ever feeling like you are forgetting something-but your not?

Every once in a while Ben and I will get this overly anxious feeling like we are forgetting something, but there wasn't anything to forget or really to feel anixious over. I think it just might be because when you are constantly going-going-going when you aren't you feel like you should be.

I woke up that way this morning. I usually only feel like that when I first wake up or late at night. I didn't have anything to feel anxious about, I just did. I think it is because I don't write anything down in a planner or on a calendar. When I first started doing weddings I would constantly feel like I was forgetting about some wedding I had to shoot, I think that was just because I was nervous. Now, I just feel like I am foretting about something that needed to be done.

I think that is a sure sign you need a vacation right? :)


Ben said...

I will pick up a planner for you tonight! :)

Leah Wentzel said...


i like life without planners!
don't ruin it for me now!

spng7 said...

I like a planner ... just so I can see the days I DON"T have anything planned !!!!

Leah Wentzel said...

well, that is the best use of a planner I have ever heard of Grandma :)

I roasted my first turkey today :)

I thought since I couldn't see the bag of stuff in the bird it wasn't there. turns out it was and I cooked it along with the turkey. lol

spng7 said...

don't worry about cooking the bag that was in the turkey ... everyone has done it at least once. There is a little guy at the packing plant who's sole job is to put it in a place in the turkey where you can't see it. We wouldn't want to put him out of work !!! :)